Welcome to my ugly website

You will surely not regret visiting my ugly website.

I made this website to share my thoughts about stuff. I have many thoughts about many different things, you know.

Could I have "just" made a Tumblr blog? Sure, but there's a lot of people on there. Writing essays no one reads on Tumblr is like talking to yourself at a party. On the other hand, this website is like my own room. I'm allowed to talk to myself in my own room if I want to.

If you're reading this, you should make your own website. However, if you're reading this, there's a good chance you already have. On the off chance you haven't, this is your sign!

I started with Sadgrl's Layout Builder and taught myself how to customize and add on to it. I built this whole site in the course of a long weekend (mostly) by hand. Dare I say, I had fun doing it, too.

I should also like to thank Psychool's "Basic Guide to the Personal Web" for inspiring me to start this project in the first place. I could wax poetic for a few sentences about my past experiences with corporatized social media, but I think it's good enough to say that I'm just tired, man. My dopamine receptors need a break.

Here's to something new, even if it's a little ugly.

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10/09/24: I am currently not working on this website as I pursue certifications in web development, afterwhich I indend to overhaul it. For now, check out my projects as I work towards my certification:
Elden Ring Shrine (completed 9/9/24)